Neurosurgical Treatments : Peripheral Nerve Conditions

Condition : Ulnar Neuropathy (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome)


This condition, also called "ulnar nerve entrapment," happens to the ulnar nerve in your elbow. This nerve travels along the inner side of your elbow and down to your hand. It's the nerve that makes the jolt you feel when you bump your "funny bone." With this condition, your ulnar nerve is compressed, stretched or irritated.

This video is for general educational purposes only and does not take into account your personal medical and/or neurological circumstances or pre-existing conditions. This information is not to be relied upon to assist in a determination of potential medical or surgical care. You should first consult your Neurosurgeon to assist you in the determination of an appropriate course of medical and/or surgical care for your personal circumstances and/or condition(s).