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Our Video Library

Dr Adrian Praeger Brain Spine Educational Videos

This is an example of one of over 50+ videos you can access and watch to learn more about specific Brain and Spine conditions and treatments to better inform you on options available.

Read the instructions on the right to learn how to access them.


Welcome to our Educational Video Library on the major Brain and Spine conditions and treatments available within Neurosurgery.

An extensive video library to provide education on what conditions exist, and how procedures and treatments are provided in response to them, are available here for your benefit.

Follow the instructions below and visit the Main Menu at the bottom of this page to begin searching for your area of interest.

2// Locate the name of the category of interest 
3// Click on the category button to be taken to its menu
4// Select the Condition or Treatment to watch the Video


These videos are for general educational purposes only and do not take into account your personal medical and/or neurological circumstances or pre-existing conditions. This information is not to be relied upon to assist in a determination of potential medical or surgical care. You should first consult your Neurosurgeon to assist you in the determination of an appropriate course of medical and/or surgical care for your personal circumstances and/or condition(s).